The origin of Tea as reported was with the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who was boiling water when the leaves from a nearby plant Camellia sinensis floated into the pot. The emperor drank the mixture and declared it gave one “vigor of body, contentment of mind, and determination of purpose”.

At Hatton however, we do not keep things merely to chance. We make things happen. The raw material is made to comprise of healthy flush – a product of good agricultural practices and balanced nutrient intakes towards harnessing the best in quality parameters. This is processed hygienically and ethically in modernized and well equipped factories towards extracting the most in liquoring characteristics whilst retaining all of its flavor and quality considerations.

Perhaps as testament to the emperor’s assessment, the potion of tea he unwittingly brewed that day is today second only to water in worldwide consumption and we can be proud of our contribution towards this popularity.

Since the introduction of tea to Sri Lanka by the Scotsman James Taylor in 1867 the cultivation developed from the pioneering heterogeneous seedling varieties to the more popular vegetative propagated cultivars that had the distinct characteristics to add value to the beverage. Hatton has since being maintaining a healthy balance in its tea gardens detailed out here below in ensuring that its produce attracts the more quality conscious and discerning customers.



Plantation: Waltrim

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Adisham

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Hanfold

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Shonnon

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Vellaioya

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Tangakeue

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Waltrim

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Adisham

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Hanfold

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Shonnon

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Vellaioya

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Tangakeue

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Carolina

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Strathdon

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Florance

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Carouna

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Strathdon

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Florance

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Carouna

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Strathdon

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.

Eake's Nest

Plantation: East Fassifern

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.

OP Rines

Plantation: Homadola

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Hanfold

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.

White Tea

Plantation: Homadola

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Kenilworth

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Kenilworth

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Kenilworth

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Kenilworth

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Kenilworth

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.



The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Kenilworth

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.


Plantation: Homadola

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.



The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Homadola

This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.



The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.


Plantation: Homadola

The tea is made by initially plucking the bud and the first two leaves. Thereafter it is allowed to wither naturally.

Silver Tips


This exceptional tea standard is made out of specially plucked leaf from the TRI 2043 cultivar.