Colombo Tea Auction - Sale of 04th August 2020
Best Westerns, where quality was maintained, were firm and selectively dearer following special inquiry, whilst the others declined Rs. 30-50 per kg. In the Below Best category, a few select brighter sorts were barely steady, whilst the others declined Rs. 20-30 per kg. At the lower end, cleaner sorts declined up to Rs. 20 per kg, whilst the others eased up to Rs. 40 per kg. Nuwara Eliyas were irregular following quality. Uda Pussellawas were barely steady. Uvas – few select seasonal teas were substantially dearer whilst the others were barely steady.
Best Westerns declined Rs. 20-40 per kg with select high priced teas easing further. Teas in the Below Best category declined Rs. 20-30 per kg. Plainer sorts were firm and Rs. 10-20 per kg lower. Nuwara Eliyas were barely steady. Uda Pussellawas were firm and Rs. 10-20 per kg lower. Uvas declined Rs. 30-40 per kg.
High Grown
BP1s – Rs. 20-30 per kg dearer. PF1s – Barely steady and often irregular following quality.
Medium Grown
BP1s – Gained Rs. 20 per kg and more. PF1s – Irregular.
Best varieties declined Rs. 20 per kg whilst Below Best varieties were firm to last. Poorer sorts gained Rs. 10-20 per kg. Low Growns in general gained Rs. 10 per kg. CTC’s were firm on last.
A few Select Best primaries gained considerably following special inquiry. Balance declined Rs. 10-20 per kg and more. Improved Best and Below Best varieties sold at last week’s closing levels. Balance declined Rs. 20 per kg and more following quality. Poorest on offer which maintained quality were fully firm. Others declined Rs. 10-20 per kg and more. Improved Mediums sold at last week’s closing levels. Balance declined Rs. 20 per kg and more. Others and poorer sorts declined further. A few select Best CTC’s declined considerably. Balance which were of poor quality declined further. Best and Below Best were irregular and mostly dearer. Poorest on offer declined Rs. 10-20 per kg and more. Better Low Growns gained irregularly following quality. Below best firm to irregularly lower. Poorest on offer sold at last levels.
Clean secondaries declined Rs. 10-20 per kg. Below best declined further. Poorer sorts firm to irregularly lower. CTC’s lower by Rs. 10-20 per kg. Better Low Growns declined Rs 10-20 per kg. Others sold at last levels.
Select Best and Best FBOP’s were easier. Few cleaner Below Best maintained. Others too were irregular and mostly lower. However, teas at the bottom appreciated. Balance were firm. Select Best and Best FBOP1’s were easier. Balance were firm.
Select Best and Best BOP’s declined. Cleaner Below Best and cleaner teas at the bottom were firm. Others were easier.
Select Best BOP1’s together with a range of improved Below Best were fully firm to dearer. Others were irregular and often lower.
A selection of well-made OP1’s together with clean Below Best were fully firm to dearer. Others were easier, particularly following quality. At the lower end too cleaner types were dearer. Balance were easier.
Better OP’s were generally firm to selectively dearer. Balance were irregular.
Select best OPA’s maintained. Others were irregular and lower. At the bottom end, cleaner teas were fully firm to dearer. Balance were easier.
PEK’s in general declined Rs. 10-20 per kg and more whilst PEK1’s were fully firm to dearer.
In general were easier.
Very Tippy teas continue to attract good demand. However, all others were lower. Select Best and Best FF1’declined. Few cleaner Below Best maintained. Others were easier. Teas at the bottom were fully firm.