“Proud of Yesterday they build for tomorrow”
Watawala Plantations PLC was the recipient of the prestigious Merit Award in the ‘Manufacturing – Large Scale’ category at the Sri Lanka National Quality Awards Programme 2014 conducted by the Sri Lanka Standards Institute. What makes this exceptional was the fact that there were no other winners in this category.
This coveted award recognizes successful quality management strategies and activities. The judges based their findings on the world renowned Malcolm Baldrige model, and comprised a panel of industry experts/business leaders who evaluated by an in-depth scoring criteria covering seven key areas such as ‘Leadership,’ ‘Strategic Planning,’ ‘Customer Focus,’ Measurement/Analysis/Knowledge Management,’ ‘Workforce Engagement,’ ‘Operational Focus’ and ‘Results.’
The awards ceremony was held on the 3rd December 2014 at the BMICH with Hon. Deputy Minister of Finance Dr. Sarath Amunugama officiating as the Chief Guest and the German Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives as the Guest of Honour. Dr.Dan Seevaratnam, Chief Executive Officer of Watawala Plantations PLC accepted the award on behalf of the Company.